A fisherman"s tale

'I am twelve years old, I travelled down to the River Moy in Co Mayo where I caught my first salmon of the season and while there I met the legendary Jack Charlton and have the picture to prove it.' A likely story unless your name is Dylan Ennis from Moate. Dylan and Simon Yorke had travelled to Foxford where they are looked after by the Tiernan brothers, Michael and PJ who run the website http://www.themoy.com During the season PJ and Michael take pictures of the visiting fishermen and their catch and it was PJ who took the picture of Dylan with Jack Charlton. This picture was the pic of the day on the site last week and will take pride of place on the mantelpiece for years to come. A postscript to the story was last weekend when Dylan returned to Foxford and proceeded to catch another three salmon as Simon and Keith O"Rourke looked on with envy. This picture is now on the website which is a mine of information for those looking to find out about the conditions, accommodation and licences as well as for advice on everything from the weather to what kind of clothes and equipment to use in the quest for salmon on Ireland"s premier salmon river, the Moy in Co Mayo.