Elphin bishop begins historic consultation with teachers

In an unprecedented step Bishop Christopher Jones (Diocese of Elphin) has met with 103 primary school teachers through three meetings to hear firsthand of their experience of teaching in Catholic schools and their views on the role of the Catholic school in passing on the faith. Preparations for these historic meetings have been ongoing for months, under the watchful eye of the diocese's Directors of Catechetics (Primary Schools), Sr. Annette Duignan, and Pastoral Development, Justin Harkin. "We know teachers are doing a great job" commented Justin. "Bishop Jones' listening is grounded in a genuine valuing of their goodwill, experience and competencies." In welcoming the teachers Bishop Jones complemented their tremendous contribution to the personal, social, academic and spiritual development of pupils. "Visiting schools is always a joy" he said "and the diocese is keen to support you in the great work you do. I have come to listen and look forward to responding as positively as I can to any suggestions you might offer as to how the diocese might better support you." Teachers shared the following points with Bishop Jones: -Challenges generated by the increased number of pupils whose home situations are difficult , fractured and confused -Realisation that the faith formation of many young children now begins in the school rather than the family -Challenges inherent in the Alive O programme -Great value of school celebrations -Power of linkage with the Church year (e.g. praying for all who have died in November) -Teachers' own need for spiritual nourishment -Appreciation of supportive parents and clergy -Recognition that pupils are losing out where home or parish, for whatever reason, fail to complement the school's efforts to foster the religious development of the child. The 103 teachers who met with Bishop Jones are among the 252 working in the Elphin diocese who qualified and took up employment in the past ten years. Bishop Jones proposes to consult more senior teachers next year and also to meet with principals and Board of Management representatives. A special meeting of the diocese's Advisory Catechetics Group, which includes Fr John Coughlan, will take place on March 15th to discuss how to move on.