Family fun day in aid of Midland Amenity Park

All roads lead to Dún na Sí on Sunday next where a massive family fun day has been organised to promote the Midland Amenity Park. What is the Midland Amenity Park? That question is one of the main reasons for the gathering on Sunday next. A dedicated group of people have undertaken a massive amount of work to bring the plan to the stage where it is now seen as a real possibility and could be in place in the not too distant future. The facility envisaged will be outlined to members of the public at the Fun Day on Sunday next where there will be a wide variety of entertainment to amuse all the family. It is not very often that you can both go out, have a good time, and also help in the development of your community but that is just what is happening on Sunday next, June 19. The event is the first in a series of organised activities to bring the Midland Amenity Park to reality. The day out will have lots of attractions for all ages, ranging from music by local groups including Bite The Ice, Project 37, Life After Monologue and Seven Days. A barbecue, a cake sale, a wheel of fortune, books, bric a brac, bouncy castles (for the children!), a vintage show, inter pub tug of war, goal shots, face painting, guess the weight of the lamb, a hot air balloon display and helicopter rides are some of the other activities on the day. The hosts, Dún na Sí, will have Irish dancers and musicians, guided tours of the Heritage Park as we all admire their wonderful facility which will be enhanced by the proposed new development. So keep an eye out for the local information leaflets, contact or just show up on the day and learn about how the new park at Dun na Si will prove to be such a wonderful amenity for the whole of the midlands in the years ahead. The 'Midland Amenity Park' is a project specific, non-profit making initiative, formed with the aim of promoting the development of a 'community park facility' within the town and for the benefit of all the adjacent communities. Dun na Si will be the place to be on Sunday next.