Ear to the Ground team visits Keenagh

The challenges and difficulties faced by animal welfare charities in attempting to cope with Ireland’s equine welfare problems will be highlighted on this week’s episode on Ear to the Ground, to be aired on RTE1 at 8.30pm on Thursday, November 14..

The Ear to the Ground team visited the ISPCA’s National Animal Centre at Keenagh, Co. Longford and met with Forest, a former racehorse, and Rob, a trotter, two horses with very different backgrounds but who both needed the assistance of the ISPCA.

 But this is only a snapshot of the work done by the society warned Chief Inspector Conor Dowling, “ Forest and Rob are just two of over 100 equines to whose aid we have come this year. In fact, we have admitted a further three emaciated horses since the piece was filmed and the frightening aspect is that we are still only at the start of the winter”.

 The ISPCA predicts a large number of equines will continue to need our help, many will be dumped and left to starve and sadly we won’t be able to help them all.  We are asking horse owners to please take their responsibilities seriously, and if in need of help to seek it as early as possible.

 If you can support ISPCA so we can continue our work rescuing, rehabilitating and responsibly rehoming animals across Ireland, please text “HAY” to 50300 to donate €4.  100% of your donation will go to the ISPCA. Service provider is LIKE CHARITY 014433890 or visit www.ispca.ie to make an online donation.