The Midland Regional Hospital in Mullingar.

Mullingar Hospital "remains extremely busy" says HSE

Mullingar Hospital "continues to be extremely busy" today (Thursday), with "a high number of patients presenting with flu and other more complex respiratory illnesses". 

In a statement issued this morning on the current situation at the hospital, the HSE apologised for "the distress and inconvenience caused to patients or their loved ones who are experiencing long wait times" at the hospital. 

Figures from the Irish Nurses and Midwives Association showed that there were 24 patients currently waiting on trolleys in Mullingar. 

The HSE said we are "working with all teams to identify patients ready for discharge and would appreciate any assistance (the public) can give to reduce further attendance in the Emergency Department while we do everything possible to ensure patients are admitted as soon as possible."

It added that the sickest and most injured patients were being priotised, meaning "people with less serious illnesses and conditions" may have to wait longer for treatment.