Call for groups to participate in a new community orchard

Photo: Green Cllr Louise Heavin.

A proposal to set up a community orchard with volunteers or local groups received the support of members at the latest Athlone-Moate Municipal District meeting.

Green Cllr Louise Heavin appealed for local organisations, residents groups, or interested volunteers who want to get involved in the scheme and have a location in mind for ten to fifteen trees to get in touch with her.

Community orchards have become an increasingly popular idea around Ireland in recent years, which sees a group of people come together to create, develop and maintain an organic fruit orchard on an area of land, maybe disused, or in school gardens, parks, village grounds, etc for the benefit of local people, the environment and wildlife.

In a motion to the recent council meeting, Cllr Heavin asked for support from her fellow members to use some discretionary funding for biodiversity to run a pilot community orchard scheme with volunteers and groups.

What's planned is a small orchard of ten to 15 trees according to the Mount Temple native, who told the meeting that a number of people have already expressed interest in the project but she is keen to put the call out to groups around the district too.

The idea would be to learn about the project and expand it in the coming years, she added, seeking the support of other members.

Fine Gael's John Dolan commended her on the proposal but said there is already a community orchard in Willow Park since last year. He said there is no harm having a second one though.

District Engineer Pat Nally wondered about a possible site for the orchard, asking do the volunteers have one in mind in Athlone?

Athlone-Moate Municipal District Manager Jackie Finney also stressed the importance of location for this type of project to the councillor and she would like to see a group get involved.

Cllr Heavin replied that she was keen to get the idea agreed in principle at this meeting, and with the planting season coming up in October to see what groups come forward in the interim.

Anyone interested or groups who like to get involved in a new community orchard project can contact Cllr Louise Heavin by