'Survival of Arts and entertainment industry must be addressed in stimulus package'

Roscommon Senator Eugene Murphy has called for the plight of the Arts and entertainment industry to be specifically addressed in the Government's July stimulus package.

In a statement this week, the Fianna Fáil representative (pictured above) pointed out that the industry had significant economic, cultural and social benefits and that many artists, musicians, and singers were currently struggling to make ends meet.

"Work literally dried up overnight for people in the music and Arts and entertainment industry and many people in the music industry are struggling to survive and are facing financial ruin due to the coronavirus pandemic," Senator Murphy stated.

"It’s impossible to know when we will see the re-opening of live music venues, concerts, and performances and many of these artists and musicians will be at the end of the queue when it comes to priority. I am really concerned about the plight of the arts and entertainment industry."

Senator Murphy previously worked as a radio presenter and music promoter before he was elected as a TD in 2016.

"As someone who previously worked in the industry, I am keenly aware of the challenges facing the sector and I would like to see their plight being addressed in the July stimulus package.

"Indeed, it's not just the performers who are affected but also the knock-on effects for sound engineers, roadies, and live music venues. The music industry really needs significant financial support,” he concluded.