Hedgehog survey seeking volunteers in Roscommon

People in Roscommon are being asked to get involved in a voluntary hedgehog survey to determine if the mammal is present in various local habitats.

Last year, members of the public were asked to submit records of hedgehog sightings online, and the survey found that there is a great interest in hedgehogs among the public. Organisers say the response was fantastic with over 2,000 sightings reported for the year across the country.

This year, participants will be invited to conduct a survey in their local area between May and September.

The methodology used will be one which has been developed by the Mammal Society of the UK which uses footprint tunnels to discover if hedgehogs are present.

Volunteers place 10 footprint tunnels within a 1km2 area for five nights and check them each morning for signs of hedgehogs.

This survey would be suitable for interested individuals, local wildlife or conservation groups and community and youth groups. Participants are welcome from all over Ireland.

Workshops will be offered in early summer 2021 for interested persons to learn more about the survey and to provide volunteers with instructions and equipment needed.

Given current restrictions, workshops will be delivered online at first, but it is planned to also host live training events with the Hedgehog Survey project partners–including the Heritage Office in the Roscommon County Council.

“Roscommon County Council is proud to support this survey as a part of our ongoing ‘Nature is Good for You’ initiative as an action of the County Roscommon Heritage Plan 2017-2021,” said Nollaig Feeney, Heritage Officer.

Full details of dates and locations will be available on the project website https://www.irishhedgehogsurvey.com/ and those who would like more information can contact the survey organiser at irishhedgehogsurvey@gmail.com