Curtailment of activity at Roscommon hospital

The rising COVID-19 cases in the community along with a COVID-19 outbreak at Roscommon University Hospital is having a significant impact on services at the hospital.

As a result, the hospital is now postponing urgent inpatient, day surgery and diagnostics tests for the remainder of this week and next week.

Face to face outpatient appointments are also being deferred with virtual outpatient clinics taking place where possible.

Patients are being contacted directly if their procedure/appointment is being postponed or if their outpatient appointment is going to take place virtually.

The Roscommon Injury Unit continues to be available to treat minor injuries and the Medical Assessment Unit is available for GP referrals.

Visiting is on compassionate grounds only and by appointment; hospital staff will confirm appointment times with the nominated support person/visitor.

The nominated support person/visitor must complete a COVID-19 screening checklist and follow the public health guidance, including wearing a FFP2 surgical face mask and performing good hand hygiene regularly.

In line with national guidance on visiting, the nominated support person/visitor will be asked to produce their EU Digital COVID Certificate or HSE COVID-19 Vaccination Record or other proof of immunity at the Hospital Entrance.

The limits on visiting access will remain in place until next week and will be kept under review.