Athlone Daffodil Day group, from left to right,Patricia Collins, Georgina Ganley, Martin Monaghan, Mary Fagg and Martina Clifford.

Local Daffodil Day group announces fundraising total

The Daffodil Day effort in Athlone this year raised a grand total of €39,758.

Daffodil day was held on Friday, March 24 last and the Athlone Area Committee would like to extend their sincere gratitude to all the volunteer collectors who selflessly gave up their time, energy and commitment to staff the collection points. Your remarkable involvement continues to amaze us, and we could not have done this without you, Mary Fagg said on behalf of the group this week.

She had a special thank you to all the retail managers who made this possible by allowing the collection points inside their premises on a truly inhospitable day. All of the collectors and committee sincerely appreciate this accommodation.

Of course, the true heroes of the day are the wonderful people of Athlone and the surrounding areas who donated both in person and online, Mary said, adding that they are overwhelmed by your generosity.

All the financial contributions allow the Irish Cancer Society to provide vital support services for cancer patients and their caregivers. Donations make a real difference to the lives of those who desperately need our support. This year, the Athlone effort has raised €39,758 to date with further sums still coming in online.

"I also want to personally thank all the collection centre coordinators and other volunteers who's contributions extend beyond the day itself. Your contribution is invaluable to us, and we are humbled with your dedication and hard work. you played an essential role in our success and we could not have done it without you," said Mary.

"It is heartwarming to see the entire community come together to support each other in this great cause. The daffodil bloom represents hope and new beginnings, and that is precisely what we are working towards, a brighter future for those affected by cancer.

"I want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed, donated and volunteered. Your unwavering support has touched the lives of many and made a difference. Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts," Mary Fagg concluded on behalf of the Athlone Area Daffodil Day Committee.