Traffic chaos in Athlone

Emergency works on the bypass bridge over the River Shannon in Athlone has led to traffic chaos in the town today.

Motorists have been stranded in heavy traffic, with simple journeys across the town from east to west taking up to two hours.

Transport Infrastructure Ireland has said it has been engaged in emergency works on the bypass bridge over the River Shannon.

It's understood the repair work is required on a joint on the bridge.

The work has reduced traffic flow to a single lane - and has backed up vehicles out onto the old N6 as far as the Birr turn and on the M6 east of Athlone.

Motorists attempting to avoid the blockages have now taken to attempting to travel through the town itself, avoiding the bypass, which has led to similar days in the town centre.

Work is understood to have been completed on the bridge repair in the last few minutes, but it is expected to take up to two hours for the traffic to filter through completely.