Anam Cara to host Midlands meeting next week

The next montly meeting for bereaved parents across the Midlands organised by Anam Cara will take place on Wednesday of next week, May 8, in The Mullingar Park Hotel @ 7:15pm.

Anam Cara is a national organisation supporting bereaved parents. Their free resources are open to any bereaved parent across the country, regardless of the age of the child or the circumstances of death.

All bereaved parents in the Midlands are welcome to attend the monthly Anam Cara meetings in Mullingar, and no prior registration is required - just turn up on the evening of the meeting.

With the approach of summer, Anam Cara is very thankful to every single person who has supported them to date this year. Whether is has been holding a fundraiser, attending a fundraiser, attending their own events or simply complementing the work they do to support bereaved parents, they are deeply grateful.

Operations Manager, Leanne Milligan explained that the Anam Cara year is broken down into a number of events for bereaved parents, including in-person support meetings and family days in Barretstown, along with many other events that occur each month, both face to face and online.

" None of this would be possible without the support from those that fundraise for us, the media who promote these events and the generosity of the Irish public. We look forward to brighter days in the weeks ahead but are acutely aware that the summer days can be long for those who are bereaved."

Anam Cara can be contacted on 085 2888888 or by email