A view of what some of the housing project could look like.

Massive Lissywollen project could start in June

Work could commence as early as next month on plans for a massive housing development in Athlone of almost 600 units.

Westmeath County Council confirmed this week that it is hoped that there will be progress on the long-planned housing project at Lissywollen shortly.

The latest update follows ongoing interactions between the proposed developers and the council.

The council, in a response to a query from Cllr Frankie Keena, said on Monday that contracts for the development were with the respective legal teams and it was hoped work would commence on site in June. The matter was also raised by Cllr Paul Hogan.

The development of 576 residential units in Lissywollen, adjacent to the existing housing in Brawney, was granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanála three years ago but work on site has yet to begin.

A link road through the site, between the Ballymahon Road and Garrycastle, is to be the first step in the construction project.

In February 2019, Westmeath County Council had approved the disposal of the lands to the original joint venture, Alanna-Roadbridge JV.

However, in October 2023, councillors were asked to revise the transfer of lands, following the insolvency of one of the original partners in the consortium which was due to complete the project.

The project will now be developed by Garrycastle Homes Ltd (trading as Alanna Homes).

The 576 houses comprise 402 private homes and 174 social homes and the local authority has confirmed that it has received funding approval for the social housing units from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.

Welcoming the news, Cllr Keena said he had been querying the progress over recent years and was heartened with the latest news.

Describing the project as “long-awaited”, he said it was something that was badly needed in Athlone to help provide more housing.

The latest update is one of a series of new timelines provided by the council in recent times.

Cllr Keena said: “I hope that what was said publicly at the council meeting on Monday will come to pass and that we will see machines on site in June this year.”