Some of the clean up crew: Shane Murphy, Cllr Aengus O'Rourke, Catherine Berry, Dean Murphy, Mikey Dooner

Praise for Battery Heights community spirit

Last Saturday more than forty people from the Battery Heights area rallied together to undertake a major tidy up.

Cllr Aengus O'Rourke praised the initiative and said: "I am always delighted to participate and support the residents association in Battery Heights, brilliantly led by Chairperson Emma Berry.

"The weather was fantastic, young and not so young were all out helping with children as young as three in their high-vis vests taking part. This clean-up event was a huge success and with over two acres of green areas to maintain it was a case of all hands on deck'on the day.

"I want to especially thank John Stroud and Brendan Grehan who are not from Battery Heights but they participated in a very important way on the day transforming the grotto, which now looks fantastic and is a credit to them," he said.