ELECTION GALLERY: Athlone and Moate areas of Westmeath

General view of the Athlone and Moate LEA tally count. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Fine Gael candidate Cllr. John Dolan pictured at the Count Centre at TUS Midlands. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Cllr. Frankie Keena speaks to Cllr. Paul Hogan at the Count Centre. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Sinn Fein candidate Conor Downing-Linehan pictured at the Athlone Count Centre. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Independent candidate Kevin "Boxer" Moran arrives at the Count Centre in Athlone. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Fine Gael candidate for Moate LEA Cllr. Tom Farrell pictured at the Athlone Count Centre. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Fianna Fail candidate Cllr. Vinny McCormack pictured at the Count Centre in Athlone. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Green Party candidate Cllr. Louise Heavin at the Athlone Count Centre. Photo by Ashley Cahill
Fine Gael candidate Ruairi Keyes at the Count Centre in Athlone. Photo by Ashley Cahill