Reflecting with hope on the year ahead

The New Year brings with it a period of reflection. Perhaps this year, we will be even more reflective than usual. December 21, 2012, was believed by some to have been the end of the world and by others the end of an era as a new age in human consciousness begins. To more still, it was simply another day, like any other. Regardless of your belief, as a New Year dawns we are all sure to be reflecting on all that has been achieved, both from a personal point of view and also from a wider perspective. We also take a look at what remains on our 'to do' list. Each year brings with it great intentions as we set out our plans for the days, weeks and months ahead - a list of resolutions that we hope to fulfil throughout the year. Often things such as being healthier, spending more time with family and friends or getting a new job feature high on people's list of personal resolutions. These are all important goals and ones that hopefully we will all achieve in the year ahead. But there is more to reflect on than personal goals and we look, too, to our communities and what has been achieved in 2012. 2012 will be remembered as the year that saw Athlone Castle reopened, after a significant investment to refurbish it. It will be remembered as the year when Athlone and the Midlands saw the opening of the Luan Gallery, the first of its kind in the region. The year also saw work begin on AIT's indoor arena and running track. All of these investments are sure to bring many tourists to the area, increasing the spend in the area and hopefully leading to greater employment. We look, too, to other projects, such as the new Athlone Community College, which will create employment in the town and the long-awaited Garrycaslte Bridge realignment project, which received funding in 2012 and on which work will begin in 2013. Of course, the year 2012 brought with it bleak news for Athlone also, with the abolition of the 4th Western Brigade and the relocation of soldiers from the town to other barracks around the country. There were job losses in private industry and the closure of some businesses in the town. There were positives on the jobs front too with the opening of new shops and businesses and the creation of 50 jobs in DPD. So as we bid farewell to 2012, we look to the positives with hope that 2013 will be a good year, for all of us personally, and for the town of Athlone and its environs. We look forward with hope that the town's economy will improve, that we will see the creation of more jobs and that personally we fulfil our goals and resolutions for the year ahead. As we reflect on all that has been achieved and the hopes we have for the year ahead, let us ensure that time for family and friends is high among our priorities for the year ahead. It is easy to get caught up in the material as we make our plans for 2013, but let us not forget that while money has its place, time, too, is a currency and it can be far more important than any material wealth we may possess. Let us use our time wisely; create time for ourselves and those we love and if that is the only resolution we stick to throughout the year then 2013 will be a rich year indeed. Happy New Year.